Since he was born Lachlan has gained 3 kilo's, and grown 13 cm in length. He can now smile, giggle, sing, lift his head and nearly roll. What amazing accomplishments for someone so young.
I wouldn't mind jumping forward a little to get a full night of uninterrupted sleep, (although mum tells me that didn't happen for her until I was about 6) but, I do enjoy the cuddles with my little boy (even those in the night), when his little hands grasp my one finger, and he shows me his beautiful gummy smile which appears when he no longer wants to drink. He is so helpless with only eyes for his mummy, its something worth bottling up.
It seems such a short time ago that I was putting Lachlan's little cargo pants on his brother. And yet Ashley is now a 3 and a half year old giant at 106cm and 18.6kg, who will soon be lifting his mum around and patting her on the head. Ashley, once the little cousin, is less behind Tom and James (aged 5) (see picture). He has become a little person with a delightful personality of his own.
He has started using grown up terms like "in a minute" and "I'm busy", and graduated to riding a big boy bike with training wheels.
He has started 3 year old kinder and tells me his is going to go to school. But the most notable recent change is that he has a new idol. That's right. No longer is his mum the apple of his eye - no, its dad who has now taken on this role. He wants to get big like dad, pee like daddy, wear daddy shirts, pants and pajamas and eat daddy food. He wants to boogie board like dad, get a wetsuit like dad and well, just be like his daddy. He loves to cook for daddy, go to Bunnings with Daddy and have icy drinks and baby chino's with daddy. Lucky I have Lachlan or I would be starting to feel a little redundant.
As the days tick by towards my 36th birthday, I wonder if my mum thinks the same. In 36 years I have grown about 113 cm's and gained some 60+ kilo's. I have finished school and uni and have gone from nurturing my dolls to my own two boys. My how time flys.
It's just a good think that parenting comes with lots of fantastic stories and memories.
It's just a good think that parenting comes with lots of fantastic stories and memories.
Stop the clock.
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