Monday, June 21, 2010

He Ho, He Ho, Its Back to Work I Go

Well it seems like only yesterday that I was finishing up at work and now I am back. Well sort of - today I am home due to child illness - something that I suspect will be the story of our lives for another year at least. Lachlan, now 8 months, has been orientated into his creche. After his first week - entailing only 4 hours in total, he was rewarded with a gastro bug which he not so kindly passed onto mum. The second week, about 10 hours at creche, he caught a cold which he shared with Ashley. This cold, coupled with the arrival of two new teeth (only 16 more to go) has lingered and so the cycle of sickness and health begins.

I'm kind of excited about being back at work (even if the job is not the perfect fit for me - I have new strategies for dealing with this). I've a new handbag (very very exciting), new shoes (less so), a new coat and a book to read on the train. I will get at least 45 minutes of quiet reading time on the way to and from work (or a sleep as the current pattern seems to be), a little walk with my husband (some times) and a quiet lunch break. I'll get to mix with grown ups, chat about things that stimulate my brain and keep myself busy and organised.

But the trade off is not being with my boys, or is it? I recently read that mother who work part time is a better mother, being more organised and dedicating more time to her children on her "off" days than a mother working full time or not at all. Although many would disagree, I tend to agree with this - particularly on the days where my anxiety levels are at a high - apparently, according to my husband, a consequence of being a control freak (although I prefer to use another term). Best I be micro-managing myself at work than at home cleaning the pantry, linen cupboard or filing my paperwork. Unfortunately for me, at times these instinct overwrite the one to relax and enjoy the mess, something I myself, am not too good at.

So, for now its 3 days on, 4 days off, a good balance, although somewhat a challenge with two children compared to one. Still, we'll get the hang of it and then... well then there is school... I'll ponder that another day.