Whilst I was pregnant I tried to imagine what life would be like with "2" children. My observations 6 weeks in so far are as follows:
- I was overwhelmed at how amazing it was to have my husband at Lachlan's birth. It was a very special thing to share.
- Despite arriving 7 weeks later than Ashley did, and hearing all the horror stories about first and second babies being totally different, I can honestly say they are very similar - just with their own personalities.
- I still believe that having a baby for me, although painful at the time, is not too much worrse than having a real bad headache that can go on for hours. I am sure many mothers would disagree and I know I am very lucky to have had such short and quick labours.
- I learnt from my first child and shared experiences that breast is only best when it works for both mother and child - and that choosing to bottle feed does not make me a bad mum. My boys are both healthy, sleep well, cry little, and rarely get ill. They have clear skin and bright eyes and smile at me alot. And I can share parenting with my dear husband which makes me more happy, calm and in control - a personality trait that is not easy to relinquish just because you have a child. And - in 20 years time, or even 10, I am sure no-one will be able to tell how my baby was fed.
- Although I have two boys, I honestly do not feel the need to "try again" for a girl. Our family plan was to have two children and this is what we have done. Clearly we are just good at making boys and I don't plan to have a third.
- A baby is actually easier than a three year old. They are more transportable, sleep alot, complain less as long as they have a full tummy and clean nappy and warmth and are much easier to take shopping.
- Life is busier and requires a little more organisation than with one child. And clearly when I return to work this will be our next challenge to deal with.
Being a mummy is pretty cool and the rewards are tremendous. From little things - big things grow and I will watch my little people with delight.
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