- Favourite colour - Orange
- Favourite food - Ravaoli and vegemite sandwiches
- Favourite drink - apple juice
- Clothes size - 6-7
- Shoe size - 1
- Favourite actvities - lego and art
- Favourite movie - Lego Clutch Powers movie
- Dislikes - potatoes and green food
- Wants to be a - farmer
- Height - about 1.2m
- Weight - about 23kg
Ashley was born prematurely at 35 weeks and 6 days. His lungs were not properly formed and he was in respiratory distress and needed breathing assistance while is lungs developed. Ashley was moved into the special care nursery when he was born and this was his home for the first two weeks. He was on oxygen for 4 days, starting at 33% and reducing down until he was able to be taken off. He was in the humidicrib for about 6 days and then taken out and his monitors came off at about day 8. He had a feeding gavage tube into his tummy until about day 10 and then although it was removed, had some more gavage feeds until about 30 hours before he came home. He only put on a little weight. We had our first hold on day 4 for mum and about day 6 for dad. We tried breastfeeding on day 4 but he had not yet developed his sucking reflex so not much happened although we persisted daily.
At 2 weeks
We took Ashley home on 1 August. This would have been when he was 38 weeks or "term". It was a scary afternoon and mum was extremely tired and anxious as Ashley was not feeding well at the hospital. Dad gave the first bottle and he took it slowly without a drama. Mum slept in Ashley's room. Ashley sleeps a lot and stays up only for an hour or so at a time. He is a happy baby.
At 1 month
Ashley has had his first holiday up the snow. We took him to Mt Hotham at 4 weeks old and he was very popular. He hardly cried at all, slept in the car both ways and entertained mum during the day. Ashley is mostly on the bottle and wakes a few times a night. Mum has now moved out of Ashley's room and back to the big bed.
At 2 months
Ashley is a good baby. He is now only on bottles with formula and takes them well. He sleeps well and is almost sleeping through the night. Ashley started going to the creche at the gym at 6 weeks and stays for an hour about 3 days a week so mum can get back into shape. He sleeps there mostly and seems quite happy.
At 3 months
We have finally seen a smile and Ashley is putting on weight fast. He has had his check up with the paediatrician at the hospital and is doing well. He is quite a big boy. He loves to splash in the bath and enjoys watching TV. Ashley is very good at burping.
At 4 months
Ashley is quite a giggle pot. He loves family hugs and thinks it is very funny when you put his feet in his mouth. He likes to stand and look around and is quite strong. Ashley is a very pleasant baby with lots of smiles. He has started to blow bubbles and make noises and enjoys playing with his book and pussy cat and putting them in his mouth. Ashley now weighs 7.4 kg and is growing well. He is also drooling a lot.
At 5 months
Ashley has just started to roll. He now weighs 8 kg and is quite long. He has started to fill out a bit. He sleeps from around 8.00 pm through to 6.15am every night and has rarely woken during the night. He is napping about 3 times per day. He is a happy baby who does not cry a lot - but can certainly show his lungs when tired or hungry. Ashley has 5 bottles a day and should be ready for solids in about a month. He is watching us eat now and is quite alert. He likes to stand and feel his feet and still loves his bath. He also babbles to himself quite a lot.
At 6 months
Ashley is starting to show his personality. He is good at rolling and is keen to move. Still no signs of any teeth. He is sleeping well, some nights 12 hours, but likes to wake and have a cuddle in the big bed in the mornings before his bottle. Ashley has progressed onto solids. He has rice cereal with some fruit mixed in for breakfast and seems to like it a lot. We also have a small taste of new foods in the afternoon. So far, banana is his favourite. He is getting quite heavy now to carry. He likes to sit up and will soon be able to do it alone. His favourite show is Play with Me Sesame which will always grab his attention. He enjoys his bath and is very strong at kicking, likes to make lots of wet mess. Ashley also likes the pool. At 6.5 months Ashley weighs 8.3 kg and is now 68.5cm long. He still has a tiny head at 43cm.
At 7 months
Ashley is a happy and content baby. He still has no teeth but they are moving a little. He is now on the move and whilst still mastering the art of crawling forward, he can crawl backwards and get from one side of a room to the other, and around in a circle surprisingly well. He can now sit up without help. Ashley has two naps a day now and still sleeps through the night. He is enjoying his food and is now on to more existing things like lasagne and vegies that are not so smooth. He loves his fruit – in fact there is not too much he does not like. Ashley has said his first words – dad and bub. Ashley really enjoys playing with his toys, and eating his toes, and he loves to be outside and see what is going on and roll on the grass.
At 8 months
Mum started back at work this month so Ashley now has two days in creche each week. He seems to enjoy the interaction with other children and is fast learning new things. At 8.5 months he cut his first tooth and the second followed pretty quickly. It did not seem to distress him too much which was good. Ashley can now crawl fast and pull himself to stand. He is quite a confident little boy who is very much a boy!! He recognises David and I now and is very happy and easy to please. He is now enjoying finger food.
At 9 months
At 10 months
Ashley now has a third tooth – one up the top. He is toddling everywhere but he is not yet able to walk – just navigate with furniture. He has been catching quite a few bugs from crèche so his immunity is getting strong. Ashley likes to explore and likes books. He is very social and active and still likes his food. He is now 10.8kg and still getting taller.
At 11 months
Ashley can now crawl fast, all over the place – and get up the stairs!! He likes to walk around pushing his little bike. He chases the dogs and uses them to prop himself up. Scooby especially likes him. He enjoys bouncing on the trampoline. Ashley takes three bottles a day and still enjoys these and his sleep. He has two big naps a day usually - morning and noon about 1.5 hours.
At 12 months
Ashley took his first few steps just before he turned one. But he started to walk properly just before 13 months. He can now walk unassisted and is quite proud of his achievement. Ashley likes to feed himself and especially likes fish and chicken nuggets – and broccoli and corn cobs. We have actually not yet found something he does not like to eat. Ashley is still enjoying crèche and has not had any separation anxiety. This only seems to come when he is unwell and wants cuddles – a lot. At 12 months Ashley weighed 11.3 kg (77th percentile) and was 78cm tall (82nd percentile). His head is still small at 46cm (30th percentile). Ashley still has two nap a day. He has 7 teeth. He likes to play outside and enjoys his blocks and books and getting in an out of things. Ashley is very happy with lovely blue eyes, clear skin and deep dimples. We love him lots.
At 14 months
Ashley is now fine tuning the walking and mastering the art of running and balancing. He can get up the driveway holding my hand. Although – getting anywhere is so slow cause there is so much to see and touch and explore down there. Ashley loves to spend time outside. His favourite foods at the moment are sweet corn cobs and broccoli and fish nuggets, and for lunch cheesymite scrolls. Of course, he likes most foods. Still no more teeth. Ashley loves cuddles and playing now. He is also getting a little stubborn at times and throwing what I would describe as managable tantrums. He still needs his two naps a day and generally sleeps about 15 hours in 24.
Ashley is quite competent at walking and is now progressing to a run. He is also starting on his language development. His vocabulary seems to consist of the words “no”, “uh, oh” and “dog” – and a few “dads” and the occasional “mum”. He weighs12.4 kg and is 83.5cm tall. Ashley’s fourth bottom tooth has finally appeared but no sign of his molars as yet.
At 17 months
Ashley has finally cut his two molars at the top and seems much happier for it. Now he has 10 teeth – and ten to still come. Ashley now can say “shoe” and nose, he can point to his tummy and mouth. He is very adventurous and loves to be outside and play in his sand pit. He is a happy child and very social at creche.
At 18months
Separation anxiety has set in. I am told this is temporary so have my fingers crossed. It seems to have been caused by spending much time with AJ over the Christmas break. Ashley likes to play with other kids and is quite social although he also likes to play alone and watch TV. He is able to amuse himself well now. We are transitioning to one nap a day which works most days but not others. Ashley is growing well. He is now 86cm tall (87th percentile) and weighs 13 kg (80th percentile) with a little head. He had his first proper haircut and looks very handsome. He is a bit clumsy and falls quite often but picks himself up pretty quickly. Ashley is picking up new words and trying to make sentences but we have no idea what he is saying.
At 19months
Ashley has finally cut two more molar teeth at the bottom which caused a lot of drooling and some days and nights of discomfort but pretty painless really (for mum and dad at least). His new words are blueberry (bu bree) and Elmo (mo mo) and he loves the Wiggles Toot Toot and anything with Momo in it.
Ashley loves to draw with chalk and colouring (when we let him use the textas). He enjoys swimming at the pool – with floaties on, playing in the sandpit, picking berries and generally loves doing anything – as long as he can be outside. His favourite books include anything with Mo Mo in it, and the Zoo book and Dr Seusse – Mr Brown can Moo.
At 20 months
We think Ashley has begun his progression into the “terrible twos’… a little early. He travelled well to Fiji where he (and we) enjoyed a week with the nanny… and a renewed connection with his dad. But we also experienced some great tantrums when the little boy – bless him – just could not tell us what he wanted exactly. Then there is the “please pick me” tantrum – very annoying since he can now walk very well – even run when he wants to get away. And there is sone new attitude in there too. Ashley’s vocabulary is growing a lot and now includes car, plane, trees, bird, frog, duck, outside etc. He is also starting to understand instructions (such as get mummuy’s shoes or do you want to go outside?)
During our holiday Ashley advanced in the pool to not wanting to wear floaties – AT ALL which is not real good given he can’t actually swim. He loves being in the garden and has started to play with his aeroplanes and trains and imitate the noises that go with them.
At 22 months
Ashley is starting to show his personality. He is very independent and knows what he wants. He no longer likes to sit in a high chair or booster seat at the table. He no longer likes a bib. He can now hop in and out of is cot when the side is down but still loves his sleep. He is saying many more words and he loves trucks, cars, trains and bob the builder (with an obsessive passion). We went through a biting phase which I think is coming to an end. It seems to be initiated by someone steeling ‘his’ toys. Ashley still loves his bottle at night and now takes himself to bed. He loves to ride his bike and play outside and he still loves a cuddle.
At 23 months
Ashley has cut his eye teeth and now almost has a full set of teeth. He is a good boy and wakes around 6-6.30am and likes to go to bed at around 7pm. He will now get his bottle when he is ready for bed and still loves to go to bed. He will sleep still about 1.5-3 hours during the day. Ashley is now saying many more words and asking what things are. He loves his food and enjoys simple things like baked beans, chips and custard…as well as his good vegies and his berries. Ashley loves trucks and is happy to amuse himself watching and dancing and even singing to bob the builder. He is very cute.
At 2 years
My where has the time gone. Ashley is now very much a little man. He is now cutting his two year old molars but apart from the dribble has been quite good about it. Ashley loves his sleep more than most and is still in his cot. Ashley vocabulary is growing by the day and whilst there is not yet any conversation happening that we can understand, he is very chatty and quite clear generally when he is wanting something. The word of the month is “stuck” which relates to everything. Ashley loves playing blocks and cars and trains, and he likes to sing and dance. He still enjoys creche and And loves to play with other children, Ashley is 14.1 kg and 91 cm’s all which puts him in about the 82nd percentile for his age. He is doing very well.
At 27 months
We almost have one two year old moler. Ashley’s vocabulary is increasing by the day. He has some attitude now and is very adamant in what he wants to wear etc. He loves to be in his pyjamas which is a problem trying to get him dressed each day. He can count to 15. He loves dinosaurs, the wiggles and thomas and like to sing. He has started to take an interest in sitting on the loo but as yet has done nothing. He has also taken a dislike to having a bath.
At 28 months
The cot has been packed away and out little boy has moved the big bed. He has also started to do quite a few wees on the toilet. It is very sporadic at the moment and I imagine maybe in a month we can start ramping up the toilet training. Ashley has late onset separation anxiety and despite enjoying crèche, grandmas, gym and others company, he certainly turns on the tears when mum or dad leave. He has started to make conversation and tells me after crèche in some form what he has done during the day.
At 32 months
I am hoping we are coming to the end of the terrible twos – although I must say they have been pretty good. Toilet training has taken a back seat, the biting seems to have settled down, only one two year old molar has appeared so we still have a lot of dribble and he still loves a bottle to take to bed. Ashley still has a big nap each day and sleeps all night without any fuss taking himself to bed most nights. He is a sweet boy, loves to play in the sandpit, is obsessed with tractors (especially orange ones) and helicopters and planes. He is a bit of a chatter box and loves to sing.
At 34 months
Ashley has finally got his molars. Not all the way through but a good start. They should be there in total before he is 3. I am working on the toilet training but he still likes a nappy. He has moved into his new “special bedroom” and has kindly passed his old room on for his brother to use in a few months. Ashley’s favourite colour is orange, he loves to wear tracky pants, eat ice-cream and pizza, knows how to recite the contents of a happy meal at McDonalds and loves going to Bunnings. He loves swimming, driving in big red car at crèche, playing with fire trucks and watching fireman sam. Ashley can count to about 17, is starting to learn the days of the week and loves to read Dr Seuss. His biting seems to have stopped but he has found hitting works too so does that occasionally.
At 3 years
Ashley now has a full set of teeth and is toilet trained, even most nights he is dry. He took about 2 weeks to train and had a few accidents but did very well. Ashley still dribbles but is getting better when I remind him to “suck it up”. He has moved into the K3 year old room at Creche and seems to thrive there. He is very chatty, likes to sing and speaks well. He is currently into space ships and rockets, make believe play and of course – tractors. He is now talking about the baby to come in the not to distant future and seems relatively happy about it. Ashley still naps in the day and sleeps all night. He is becoming easier to negotiate with and the tantrums have reduced in number and length.
At 3 years 4 months
Ashley welcomed his baby brother Lachlan in October and thinks he is very cute and loves him to bits. He is mostly very gentle and caring with him and has not been too jealous. He is going through a stage where he is very attached to mummy though. Hopefully this will pass. Ashley has started to play with lego and likes to make tractors (of course) houses and cars. He is less into trains. Ashley decided the day after Lachlan arrived that he did not want day time naps anymore and so these only happen occasionally. He is mostly coping though.
At 3 years 8 months
Ashley is a giant. He is ?? tall and weighs ?? kg. He is officially in kinder now and is going through a love his daddy phase where he idols him. He thinks dad goes to work to buy money to get tractors and lego. HE is very good with his brother and is now drawing pictures of the family. He can ride his big bike and has gotten over his separation anxiety. He is looking forward to having Lachlan at crèche and enjoys gym crèche and doing exercises. Ashley likes to paint and drwaw and read books and watch tv and play outside in the garden. He loves going to his beach house and his best friends are Mike, Matthew and James from crechc. He also enjoys playing with the boys next door.
At 3 years 9 months
Ashley is really into his drawing at the moment and is getting quite creative drawing cars and spaceshops and people and animals. He likes to watch TV and still has occasional tantrums but not too bad. He has a new puppy which he adores and this month was sick for the first time in about 18 months with a virus. He reported his symptoms as “being a bit sick – the blood inside my body hurts like a tummy ache and I am all hot and shivery”. He is going well at kinder and likes to play with just a few friends. He loves his beach house and is now getting more confident in the water..
Ashley enjoyed a Toystory theme for his fourth birthday. Including a trip to the movies with his dad to see Toy Story 3. He loves doing art and playing lego and seems obsessed with lego “mans”. He is quite an emotional little boy who goes through stage of separation anxiety with him mum still and others. He enjoys having his brother at crèche. He is now into the Simpsons on TV. His favourite foods seem to be of the pasta variety (especially Ravaoli, and ice cream, jelly, bickies and cakes. He is now able to tell me what is healthy and not. Ashley love cooking. He is doing well at kinder and likes to play with his best friend James. He loves his beach house and is now getting more confident in the water.
He loves playing with his cousins. He still sleeps well and puts himself to bed and most nights sleeps from 7.30. He has the occasional nap in the day, particularly if he in is in the car. He loves visiting bunnings and is learning to count. His favourite book is Monster Sale, the seasame street bookes, Mr Men and Goldilocks. He enjoys gardening and watching the gardening and cooking shows. He is very good with his little brother. He
At 4 years and 3 months
Ashley has clearly been watching the simpsons too much. He says “Oh Man, and Doh” A lot. He is very helpful around the house and generally does what he is aked. He still loves cuddles and is a very sensitive and emotional little boy who often misses his mum and tell me so every day. He still goes to be well. He dicided this mont that we would no longer wear nappies to bed. He came in with his nappy basket and announced we was passing them on to Lachlan and that was it. He has not had any accidents as yet and seems to be quite happy about no nappies. Ashley likes to eat prawns, risotto and ravioli, and he likes Jam and vegemite sandwiches which he can now make himself. He hleos me cook and enjoys it a lot. He loves to make things and is always asking “what I make with this”. He is a good drawer and loves lego.
At 4 years 7 months
Ashley has started 4 year old kinder. He has lots of friends and is doing well. He is enjoying playing with Lachlan now – although gets annoyed at him some times he is very gentle. Ashley wants to be a farmer when he grows up and grow strawberries and have a cow and live and marry his ummy. Daddy has to live with Lachlan. He thinks Lachlan will be a doctor.
At 4 years 10 months
Ashley will be 5 soon. He is 117 cm and 22.2kg. He is quite big for his age and towers above his friends. Ashley is into lego in a big way. He is very creative and loves to make (and break) things. He also loves to do art – anything arty really – and is quite good at drawing and colouring. Ashley loves to read books. His favourite ones at the moment are harry and the bucket of dinosaurs go to school, the Share a not and his usual dr Seus books. He loves dinosaurs and talks a lot and asks lots of questions. He still wants to be a farmer and marry mummy and buy me a car. He does his chores from time to time and has the occasionally moods but he is generally still an easy and happy child. Ashley is quite shy and is a little scared or starting school next year but is doing very well at kinder.